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Friday, April 29, 2011

alone and vulnerable

---warning : personal and emotional post (maybe whining if you will), if you're not interested, then don't read -----

Does anybody still read my blogspot nowadays?? Since this year started , it's funny because my interest in fashion and design has sort of waned. yes, even gyaru fashion. Maybe it's my lack of girl friends here in California? Seriously, I'm also to blame, but I feel like I've lost touch with meeting with girl friends on a regular basis.. I guess school and work has been taking so much of my time for me to even have a social life. Plus I'm so exhausted after both school and work, the only time I have left is for sleeping. I think I'm getting old. Also, there are people always moving away, my two BFF are in Alabama and Japan, whenever I make plans to meet with someone, they're either busy or they have no money, when I get invited as well, it's always the wrong timing and I never have money.

I'm not sure, but the bubble I lived in Hawaii seems so comforting now. Is it because of the tiny island, that I was able to meet with friends on a regular basis? It was so easy to drive from Kapolei to Honolulu because even though of the horrendous traffic, it was feasible. I feel like here on the mainland, I feel so disconnected from people I could have potentially great relationships / friendships with. Everyone is so far away from each other here (yes even in the Bay Area, and not to mention LA) you have to drive or commute so far to see someone. Maybe I'm still an island girl at heart, I am not used to the vast distances that friends have apart from each other.

Maybe all this thinking is happening because I'm getting really old. I'm not posting my age here, but I think I'm falling into the category of the quarter life crisis where I start to question my existence and what I am doing here. (I'm in my late late 20s, not early 20s - surprised?)

It's been almost two years I've been on my own in California (with boyfriend included), but I feel like life hasn't really begun for me yet. I'm finally on that journey going back to college to fulfill my 10 year dream of becoming a graphic designer, but now that it's finally happening, I feel so defeated. It's so hard, and my drive and passion I had for it is gone. I haven't designed anything personal for myself in months. It's always been school assignments, but never for "fun" because I honestly don't feel like it. Since when did my hobby become such a nightmare?? I don't even feel like blogging anymore. I remember I used to be so excited to make layouts, to freely mix elements that now looking from a professional standpoint seems horrendous. I miss the days when I was blind to the rules and when art was something so fun and rewarding. It just feels like a CHORE. I miss the days of making cute personal websites, fixing up my profile, taking and editing pictures and having fun with everything. School sure did open my eyes, but it sure took away my passion of designing for fun. I don't get it. I feel like quitting because now I'm not sure if design is something I want to do for the rest of my life as my career. I don't get it, I wanted this for so long, and now I don't love it anymore?? You know that saying, BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR, YOU JUST MIGHT GET IT? Yes, well that certainly applies now.

I just feel so physically exhausted. I feel like I'm going no where. I feel so lost and disconnected from both the real world and the internet world. Is there someone out there who can possibly know how I feel?

Anyway, I'm going to keep this up for awhile. I could really use some feedback right now or advice. I remember being this vulnerable on livejournal, and I feel like that after leaving livejournal, that this blogspot I had for about 2 years was just scratching the surface dripping with artificiality - fashion entries, what I ate, who I went out with, what did they wear, what did I wear, places I been. Yes, these were all fun entries to write about, and yet, it seemed so impersonal, artificial. I never really blogged about my feelings here on blogspot, like how I did on livejournal. It could be because of the "friends only" feature as well? For some reason, it felt weird to do that in blogspot because anybody could read what I feel, unlike in livejournal. but i'm just gonna let it all out this time. just this one time.

alone and vulnerable

---warning : personal and emotional post (maybe whining if you will), if you're not interested, then don't read -----

Does anybody still read my blogspot nowadays?? Since this year started , it's funny because my interest in fashion and design has sort of waned. yes, even gyaru fashion. Maybe it's my lack of girl friends here in California? Seriously, I'm also to blame, but I feel like I've lost touch with meeting with girl friends on a regular basis.. I guess school and work has been taking so much of my time for me to even have a social life. Plus I'm so exhausted after both school and work, the only time I have left is for sleeping. I think I'm getting old. Also, there are people always moving away, my two BFF are in Alabama and Japan, whenever I make plans to meet with someone, they're either busy or they have no money, when I get invited as well, it's always the wrong timing and I never have money.

I'm not sure, but the bubble I lived in Hawaii seems so comforting now. Is it because of the tiny island, that I was able to meet with friends on a regular basis? It was so easy to drive from Kapolei to Honolulu because even though of the horrendous traffic, it was feasible. I feel like here on the mainland, I feel so disconnected from people I could have potentially great relationships / friendships with. Everyone is so far away from each other here (yes even in the Bay Area, and not to mention LA) you have to drive or commute so far to see someone. Maybe I'm still an island girl at heart, I am not used to the vast distances that friends have apart from each other.

Maybe all this thinking is happening because I'm getting really old. I'm not posting my age here, but I think I'm falling into the category of the quarter life crisis where I start to question my existence and what I am doing here. (I'm in my late late 20s, not early 20s - surprised?)

It's been almost two years I've been on my own in California (with boyfriend included), but I feel like life hasn't really begun for me yet. I'm finally on that journey going back to college to fulfill my 10 year dream of becoming a graphic designer, but now that it's finally happening, I feel so defeated. It's so hard, and my drive and passion I had for it is gone. I haven't designed anything personal for myself in months. It's always been school assignments, but never for "fun" because I honestly don't feel like it. Since when did my hobby become such a nightmare?? I don't even feel like blogging anymore. I remember I used to be so excited to make layouts, to freely mix elements that now looking from a professional standpoint seems horrendous. I miss the days when I was blind to the rules and when art was something so fun and rewarding. It just feels like a CHORE. I miss the days of making cute personal websites, fixing up my profile, taking and editing pictures and having fun with everything. School sure did open my eyes, but it sure took away my passion of designing for fun. I don't get it. I feel like quitting because now I'm not sure if design is something I want to do for the rest of my life as my career. I don't get it, I wanted this for so long, and now I don't love it anymore?? You know that saying, BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR, YOU JUST MIGHT GET IT? Yes, well that certainly applies now.

I just feel so physically exhausted. I feel like I'm going no where. I feel so lost and disconnected from both the real world and the internet world. Is there someone out there who can possibly know how I feel?

Anyway, I'm going to keep this up for awhile. I could really use some feedback right now or advice. I remember being this vulnerable on livejournal, and I feel like that after leaving livejournal, that this blogspot I had for about 2 years was just scratching the surface dripping with artificiality - fashion entries, what I ate, who I went out with, what did they wear, what did I wear, places I been. Yes, these were all fun entries to write about, and yet, it seemed so impersonal, artificial. I never really blogged about my feelings here on blogspot, like how I did on livejournal. It could be because of the "friends only" feature as well? For some reason, it felt weird to do that in blogspot because anybody could read what I feel, unlike in livejournal. but i'm just gonna let it all out this time. just this one time.

Fashion dolls - Tonner dolls

Azi am sa va povestesc despre papusile lui Robert Tonner, fashion designer. Le gasiti aici.
Sunt fashion dolls de colectie, multe lucrate manual (chipul, hainele). Au diverse dimensiuni (ex. 11", 16", 17"). Mai multe detalii despre Robert Tonner si papusile lui aici.

Mrs Claus

robert tonner sculpting
Santa's Sweet Shoppe Kandy
Winter Frost Gala

Cinderella Bride
Cinderella's sisters
Cinderella Once Upon A DreamSunt superbe! O adevarata colectie de inspiratie. Nu ma mai satur sa le admir. Poate ca nu am o colectie de papusi, dar sigur am o colectie de fotografii de pe net pe care le "rasfoiesc" si din care ma inspir. Printre ele sunt papusile Tonner care ocupa un loc de podium in preferintele mele.
Mai toate au 12 articulatii.
Momentan atat, dar voi reveni pe acest subiect ulterior.

Get My Look: Pop O' Green

So, I tried something new last night. Before going out to celebrate with friends, I wanted to create a fun shadow look. I believe that makeup is a great way to experiment with color and technique. I was pretty impressed with the way the green shadow didn't clash with my green eyes.

What do you think of my electric green and pink look?

For the eye colors I used: 
Read more »

Product Review: Lorac TANtalizer

Greek goddess in a bottle, also known as body bronzing luminizer.
A little goes a long way. The smooth cream rubs on with plenty of shimmer, and it smells like cocoa butter.
Yes, this quick-drying formula is great when you don't have hours to process a self-tan but want a warm glow. I would recommend it for arms, legs, and any other body parts that could use a little color.
For a before and after shot:
Read more »

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Fashion dolls - o pasiune de-o viata pe scurt

Banuiesc ca nu sunt putine cele care au avut in copilarie o papusa asemanatoare, dar care se numea Cindy (cam asa). Era de cele mai multe ori blonda si avea o rochie alcatuita din body, fusta cu volane si o ceva pusa pe cap care semana cu o bavetica, dar tinea loc de coronita. Eu am avut doua: una cu rochie rosie si una cu rochie roz.
Asta era o papusa-fotomodel a anilor '80. Pentru ea am facut primele rochite, bluzite, fustite etc. Adunam petice de materiale si croiam din ele. La un moment dat am descoperit croseta si andrelele si am trecut la articole mai complicate.
Prin liceu am pus papusile la pastrare. In timpul sarcinii, facand inventarul prin casa am dat de ele. Si cum am avut ceva timp liber la indemana am inceput iar sa croiesc, sa crosetez...
Am facut schite (apropo de ultima postare), construit tipare si am creat cateva hainute. Prima a fost o rochie cu iz renascentist, dar era o macheta; are o maneca evazata, simpla, iar cealalta maneca este renascentista (evazata, cu partea de jos mult alungita).
In foto de mai sus este a doua incercare: un body si o fusta clos.
Ultima lucrare pentru fashion dolls este o replica a rochiei lui Barbie din "Colinda de Craciun", anume rochia verde. Este crosetata si mai am putin de lucrat la ea. Migaloasa rau pentru ca e facuta cu picioruse scurte (ca la amigurumi). :D
Acum am marit nitel colectia de papusi cu unele noi, moderne, cumparate din piata, foarte frumoase. Le-am luat pentru probe, masuri; sunt putin diferite.
Mai nou incerc sa ... restaurez papusi fashion: sa repar, sa replantez (reroot - reinradacina) par, sa repictez si sa refac diverse parti deteriorate. Desigur, primesc si hainute noi. :D
Mi se pare o provocare foarte interesanta si relaxanta.
Mi-am facut deja cateva schite, idei si lucrari incepute; in timp va voi arata si ce iese pana la urma.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Despre schitare, desen, fashion design si mazgaleala ordonata

Cum sunt pasionata de desen (in general), m-am gandit ca sigur mai sunt si altii. Asadar, aici am sa postez diverse schite, lucrari, materiale, titluri de carti, filmulete adunate de pe net si altele utile pentru a ne ajuta sa realizam un desen frumos. Am tot rasfoit netul pe aceasta tema si am descoperit ca multe tinere (in mod special) doresc sa devina designer vestimentar, creator de moda. In acelasi timp isi apreciaza desenele ca fiind nemaipomenite si foarte inspirate cand de fapt sunt foarte naive si copiate dupa desene animate sau putin transformate.

Si papusa Barbie are o serie de desene (filmulet orientativ 1, filmulet 2). Desenatori si creatori de moda au adus in garderoba ei o multime de rochite si costume cu nume mari. Toate au la baza o schita a modelului, ca aici. Iata si rezultatul cautarii pentru Robert Best care a creat pentru Barbie. Poate fi o schita simpla sau mai detaliata, mai complicata, dar eleganta, curata si personala. Un exemplu de desen foarte simplu este schita de la Rodarte, de designerii Kate si Laura Mulleavy. Sau asa, Paul Sisti.

Si in make-up se fac schite. In pregatirile de prezentare pe podium se fac planse cu machiajele manechinelor cam ca aici. Niste schite mai aproape de modelul uzual ar fi acestea. Tot simple si elegante.
Schita, desenul sta la baza multor meserii, dar ne ajuta si sa explicam ceva, sa capturam un peisaj, sa pastram/prezentam coitorului o idee de costumatie pentru o petrecere, bijutierului o bijuterie si multe altele.

Pentru toate creatiile mele din acest blog (si nu numai) am cate o schita mica cu notite. Idei, metode de aplicare, detalii importante de executie sau de design, de accesorizare. Toate le adun in jurnale de schite. Ma ajuta sa pastrez idei, dar sa si creez modele noi. Dintr-o schita simpla pot iesi chiar si cateva modele noi din diverse combinatii, accesorizari diferite s.a.

Pentru inceput este bine sa constientizam ca in afara de munca si iar munca, exercitiul si documentarea sunt de baza pentru un designer, si nu numai. Pentru oricine este pasionat de desen. Eu ma incadrez la pasionati si mereu ma documentez, caut diverse tehnici, modele, inspiratii :) Nu am pretentia sa dau lectii. Nici nu cred ca desenez la un nivel foarte avansat. Dar as vrea sa impart cu toti cei interesati materiale, pareri, idei, sa ne perfectionam impreuna.
Un desen iese frumos din combinatia lectura+exercitiu. Cand citim o carte cu multe ilustratii, acestea sunt pentru exemplificarea, explicarea mai clara si grafica a teoriilor scrise, nu exclud parcurgerea textului. Dupa ce intelegem teoria ne apucam de practica, de desenare.

Pentru un desen simplu, frumos si curat, este nevoie de studiu si un minim exercitiu zilnic. Eu desenez de cand mi s-a pus creionul in mana prima data. Ma pricep nitel, ca nu pot sa nu observ, dar nu m-am flatat singura, ci am incercat sa fiu si mai buna. Uneori am timp, alte ori nu. Dar cand am timp este foarte important sa il tratez cu seriozitate.

Eu am studiat carti de schitare, de desen de arhitectura (si pentru meserie, dar mai ales pentru curatenia metodei de lucru si a rezultatului final), de pictura, de istorie a artei si de desenare a eroilor din benzi desenate, de caricaturi. Pe langa studiul individual din carti mai urmaresc filmulete pentru a vedea si practic. Desigur, fac o selectie.
Totusi, chiar daca citesti multe si nu exersezi macar putin, dar serios, nu prea iese cum te astepti. Talentul poate exista, dar trebuie exersat si slefuit.

Pentru inceput am invatat sa tin corect creionul (nici prea aproape de varf si nici prea strans, mai degraba lejer); iar la desenare mana se misca liber, nu fortat.
Apoi am umplut pagini (dosare cu coli A4) cu linii verticale si orizontale la distante de cativa milimetri. Nu trebuie sa fie linii perfect drepte; ele se traseaza usor valurite. Pentru a face linii verticale nu intoarceti pagina pentru ca tot orizontale sint pentru mana. Ca un ajutor, la inceput am folosit sub coala alba o foaie de caiet de mate. Astfel liniile ies drepte, ordonate, si se formeaza ochiul, mana, reflexul. Dupa ce am facut cateva pagini cu ajutorul foii de mate, am incercat fara. Nu mi-au iesit corecte primele pagini, dar am insistat si am invins. :D Apoi am exersat si inca mai exersez pentru a-mi pastra finetea si siguranta mainii si a ochiului. Zilnic macar o coala de linii verticale si una de orizontale, dar si de combinate pentru a ma verifica (trebuie sa iasa patratele egale de sus pana jos si de la stanga la dreapta; indiferent de distanta aleasa, ea trebuie sa ramana constanta pe toata coala).
- Dupa ce mi-au iesit liniile si patratelele am trecut la cerculete. Intai am desenat coli liniate de ajutor pentru a-mi forma mana pe cercuri egale, apoi am trecut iar la coala alba fara suport. Am inceput cu cercuri mici si am trecut la o alta dimensiune dupa ce mi-au iesit corect cateva coli.
- apoi am trecut la cateva schite de natura moarta, de proportii ale corpului omenesc, de studiul miscarii, anatomiei si mai tarziu am trecut la haine, accesorii si altele.

Pentru cine intereseaza fashion design, iata cateva propuneri:
- exersati-va mana la desen cu elementele de baza (linii, cerculete etc.), apoi cu proportiile omului, cu diverse pozitii si studiati materialele (texturi, umbre si lumini, cute si volane);
- cititi materiale despre moda, invatati cuvinte si expresii, denumiri de materiale; limbajul specific. Studiati si putina croitorie, incercati sa invatati sa crosetati, sa tricotati. Ajuta mult la intelegerea comportarii materialului, a formarii tiparelor si a asamblarii lor pentru produsul final. Cu alte cuvinte studiati procedeul de realizare al unei piese de imbracaminte de la conceptie (o poza sau o schita) pana la produsul final pe care il puteti atinge si porba (sa vedeti cum vine pe propriul corp, cat de confortabil este s.a.).
- aici aveti o explicatie pentru un sablon de poza a unui model. Printati imaginile, puneti o coala de calc sau hartie de scris (este usor transparenta) si copiati modelul de cate ori este necesar pana va obisnuiti cu linia desenului, cu proportiile si cu formele sale. Dupa ce va iese bine, ulterior, la mana libera (fara sablonul/desenul suport sub coala), incercati sa-l imbracati.
- cautati pe net fashion design sketches si studiati desenele realizate profesional (pentru ca multi pun pe net si desene naive cu titlul de fashion design :D);
- aici gasiti metode de desen si colorare (creion, carioci copic, acuarele) a unor schite cu explicatii: elidada84, xxxqwertxxx, sanguigna, Frechts;
- carti: Figure Drawing for Fashion Design by Elisabetta Drudi, Figure Drawing for All It’s Worth by Andrew Loomis, How to draw comics by Marvel (link pe capitole in josul paginii), Desenul - ghid practic de Rose-Marie de Premont, Tehnica schitarii de D. Defour si D. Iancu, Desen de arhitectura si sistematizare de Delia Prundeanu, carti de croitorie, tricotat si crosetat s.a.

Cateva lucrari de-ale mele: acuarele 1 (zane), acuarele 2 (zane), o banda desenata scurta, un proiect de comic book pentru pitici.

va urma ;)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Liv Nootenboom (Part II)

Paul, Liv, and I recently got together for another fun shoot.  I gave Liv big Texas hair!!!  : D  Special thanks to Kana for being a fabulous assistant.   

Photography: Paul Do
Model: Liv Nootenboom
Assistant: Kana Nootenboom

Liv Nootenboom (Part II)

Paul, Liv, and I recently got together for another fun shoot.  I gave Liv big Texas hair!!!  : D  Special thanks to Kana for being a fabulous assistant.   

Photography: Paul Do
Model: Liv Nootenboom
Assistant: Kana Nootenboom

Rings - 26 April 2011

 Rhinestone Ribbon Ring
Model: R0050
Measurement: 2cm x 1.5cm
Ring size: 1.8cm diameter
Unit Price: S$ 9.90/-

Trio of Pearlescent Rings
Model: R0051A
Colour: Silver
Measurement: 0.5 cm diameter for pearl
Ring Size: 1.7cm diameter
Unit Price: S$ 9.90/-

Model: R0051B
Colour: Gold
Measurement: 0.5 cm diameter for pearl
Ring Size: 1.7 cm diameter
Unit Price: S$9.90/-

Paris Love Eiffel Ring
Model: R0052
Measurement: 2cm x 3cm
Ring Size: Free
Unit Price: S$7.90/- SOLD OUT

 Faux Marble Ring
Model: R0053
Measurement: 1.5cm x 2cm
Ring Size: 1.6cm
Unit Price: S$ 9.90/-

Sophisticated Ring
Model: R0054
Measurement: 2cm x 3cm
Ring Size:  1.8cm
Unit Price: S$ 7.90/- SOLD OUT

Cutout Yellow Rhinesone Ring
Model: R0055
Measurement: 1.8cm x 3cm
Ring Size:
Unit Price: S$ 7.90/- SOLD OUT

Butterfly Printed Ring
Model: R0056
Measurement: 2cm x 2.5cm
Ring Size: Free size
Unit Price: S$ 5.90/-

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Briose simple, aurii

Am cautat pe net o reteta de briose. Mi s-a facut pofta si am pus mana sa fac. Curajoasa rau, pentru ca aragazul meu nu are un cuptor functionabil, asa ca am folosit un gratar rotund, pentru aragaz, de pus pe ochiul mic. Musai cu gaura pe mijloc pentru o incalzire cat mai uniforma a tuturor brioselor.
Am luat reteta asta si am lucrat pe langa ea de a iesit altfel, asa :

400 g faina;
2 oua;
100 g unt;
o lingura de ulei;
350 ml lapte;
200 g zahar;
2 pliculete de zahar vanilinat;
esente vanilie si rom dupa gust;
un praf de copt pt 500 gr faina;
zahar pudra pentru ornat;
patratele de ciocolata pentru ornat sau pentru servit pe farfurioara cu briosa.
un mixer;
20 forme/tavite mici pt briose;
hartiute pt copt briose din comert;
un gratar rotund pentru aragaz :D

Mod de preparare:
Se mixeaza cu paletele pentru maioneza cele 2 oua cu zaharul, cu zaharul vanilinat si esentele pana se face o spuma cremoasa. Se topeste untul si se raceste nitel. Adaugam untul, uleiul, apoi laptele prin firicel, pe margine, in timp ce mixam.
Se amesteca o mana de faina cu praful de copt, apoi cu restul fainii. Se adauga compozitia mixata turnand in fir potrivit, in timp ce amestecam cu mixerul, cu paletele pentru coca.
Compozitia se pune in forme de briose (muffins) cu hartiute de copt. Pe un gratar de aragaz incap circa 7 forme. In total mi-au iesit 19 briose.
Se lasa la copt circa 35-40 minute pe serie, la foc mediu, sa nu se arda si sa nu ramana crude in mijloc. Verificati sa fie coapte bine si la fundul formei, si in interior, pentru ca nu este un cuptor etans. Daca mai este nevoie (pentru ca nu toti avem aceeasi flacara de aragaz) le mai lasati 5-10 min. Cine are, poate folosi cuptorul aragazului incalzit si atunci le lasa circa 15 min, verificandu-le.

Se servesc simple, cu zahar pudra sau cu un patratel de ciocolata la o cana de ceai, cafea, lapte sau pur si simplu. :D
Pofta mare!
Se poate si PE aragaz :))


Mucenici muntenesti "tunati" :))

Am ramas in urma cu postatul. Am promis ca pun reteta de mucenici si iata ca au venit Sarbatorile Pascale. :D
Dar sa trecem la treaba:

Mucenici muntenesti "tunati" (pentru ca am adaugat la reteta de baza :D)

4 litri de apa;
o punguta sau 2 de mucenici (sau facuti de casa, cat va lasa inima);
o lingura de gris, cu varf;
2 linguri de miere;
100 gr zahar;
susan (1 lingura), fulgi de nuca de cocos (1 lingura), nuci taiate maruntel (350 gr) in cantitatile dorite;
scortisoara macinata (o lingurita in ploaie);
sare dupa gust.

Mod de preparare:
Se pune apa la fiert cu sare. Cand da in clocot se pun mucenicii si lingura de gris si se amesteca cu o lingura de lemn sa nu se lipeasca; la 5 min se adauga zaharul si se fierbe inca 5 min, amestecand in continuare.
Se stinge focul. Imediat se adauga susanul, nuca de cocos, nucile taiate, scortisoara si se lasa sa se raceasca pe aragaz. Cand inca mai sunt calduti, se pune mierea pentru a nu-si pierde din proprietati (e bine sa nu friga apa/ceaiul in general cand puneti miere).

Sunt foarte dulci si gustosi. Se servesc cam cate un polonic si jumatate in castronel pentru a nu va indulci prea tare.
Pofta mare!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Versatile Blogger Award

Imagine my surprise when I woke up this morning to find that a very talented crafter and super sweet woman had presented me with the "Versatile Blogger Award" (which is my FOURTH blog award)! I am so thrilled and feel so VERY honored to be given this wonderful award! : )

I would like to send a HUGE thanks to Rachel from Our Creative Hands Blog for presenting me with this wonderful award. I really appreciate it! :) My answers are so similar to yours Rachel! I believe that is why we get along so beautifully.... because we think alike!

Here are the rules:

Thank the person who awarded you.

Divulge 7 things about yourself.

Award 15 discovered bloggers.

7 Things About Me:

1.) I personally feel I have to be the luckiest woman in the entire world. I have a loving wonderful family and I get to be with them all the time because I work from home! I get to choose my own hours and because I'm the boss.... I can take a day off or go to events anytime I want! Most importantly... I can be around when my kids or husband need me..... which makes me and them the happiest!

2.) I am thankful every morning for waking up next to my very loving, handsome, wonderful, sweet, kind, thoughtful, supportive, amazing husband.

3.) I am the mommy of 5 really amazing, sweet, loving, smart, beautiful kids who I love more than anything!!!

4.) I love my job so much that I can't imagine not doing it. It would break my heart.

5.) I am a very sarcastic person who likes to cut up with my family. We are always laughing and joking around. The sound of my children's or husband's laughter... is music to my ears! I just love it! I have found that laughter is a great medicine! Whenever one of the kids are upset..... I will do my best to make them giggle and laugh.... and whatever is upsetting them goes away!

6.) I refuse to eat breakfast EARLY in the morning. I just can't do it.... : )

7.) I love all types of music (except hard rock and hard to understand rap)!

15 Blogs That I feel Deserve This Versatile Blogger Award:
Hummmm..... this is a tough one!!

♥ Rachel at Our Creative Hands Blog

♥ Diane at Brya's Baskets Blog

♥ Valery at This N That Boutique Blog

♥ Kim at Little Ladybug Designs Blog

♥ Jacqueline at First Impression Favors Blog

♥ Barb at Feel Excellent Blog

♥ Lisa at Military Momz Blog

♥ Nathalie at Recupe Fashion Blog

♥ Karen at I am the Princess

♥ Maureen at Online Shopping Boutique Blog

♥ Lisa at Fun Child Learning Activities Blog

♥ Shalene at Affiliate Mom Blog

♥ Rhonda at Mother 2 Mother Blog

♥ Lisa at Kids Accessories Blog

♥ Terry at Ciao Bella Design Blog

CLICK HERE To See ALL Of Our Blog Awards

Thanks so much for viewing this post... I wish you all great success!

Lisa ~ Owner of My Colorful Treasures Web Design & Development
Website: http://www.mycolorfultreasureswebdesign.com
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All views & opinions are my own & were not influenced in any way. Read My Disclosure.
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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Foot and Heel cream

Bought these both products to my dying feet and heels..haha..

This Incredible Healing Cream Has Helped Millions Restore Their Troubled Feet!

If your feet are dry and cracked—if the itching drives you crazy...if you pick at them till they're raw...if you have embarrassing foot odor—then you should know about a wonderful product that will give you fast relief and may cure your troubled feet forever!

Overnight Results Miracle Foot Repair® is made from the gel of the Aloe Vera plant which has been used for 4,000 years to help cure foot problems. It's a gentle, fast-acting natural skin moisturizer and curative that penetrates deep below the skin's surface to get at the cause of your problems. Don't Wait - Get the Relief You Need! Users say this 60% aloe foot cream feels so good and works so fast even doctors can't believe it

Instantly relieves dry, cracked, itchy feet & heels the very first time you use it! No matter what else you've tried, Miracle Foot Repair will help your troubled feet.

Fast acting relief for 1) Dryness 2) Cracks 3) Itching 4) Odors Guaranteed to 1) Repair dry 2) 2)cracked feet & heels 3) Eliminate unpleasant odors 4) Stop itchy feet 5) Safe for use by diabetics

How it works Miracle of Aloe Heel Repair Cream works to effectively repair dry, cracked, callused heels while soothing, moisturizing, softening and protecting skin. Miracle Heel Repair cream combines 3 butters (Shea, Cocoa and Mango) proven skin protectants and 60% Ultra Aloe - the purest, most potent form of whole leaf Aloe Vera gel, to effectively penetrate, repair, condition and protect severely dry, cracked and damaged heels. Cell renewal is accelerated to speed up and promote the healing of damaged skin - fast!

Your heels will look and feel great. Make your feet look & feel 10 years younger! For thousands of years, the Aloe Vera plant has been treasured for its ability to re-moisturize and revitalize dry, damaged skin.

1 bottle for $13, 2 for $24, they have other products too..

to buy: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/5365930.html?1303265033

email: shortshortgal@gmail.com

I think best to wear with socks to retain the moisture in also..



Foot and Heel cream

Bought these both products to my dying feet and heels..haha..

This Incredible Healing Cream Has Helped Millions Restore Their Troubled Feet!

If your feet are dry and cracked—if the itching drives you crazy...if you pick at them till they're raw...if you have embarrassing foot odor—then you should know about a wonderful product that will give you fast relief and may cure your troubled feet forever!

Overnight Results Miracle Foot Repair® is made from the gel of the Aloe Vera plant which has been used for 4,000 years to help cure foot problems. It's a gentle, fast-acting natural skin moisturizer and curative that penetrates deep below the skin's surface to get at the cause of your problems. Don't Wait - Get the Relief You Need! Users say this 60% aloe foot cream feels so good and works so fast even doctors can't believe it

Instantly relieves dry, cracked, itchy feet & heels the very first time you use it! No matter what else you've tried, Miracle Foot Repair will help your troubled feet.

Fast acting relief for 1) Dryness 2) Cracks 3) Itching 4) Odors Guaranteed to 1) Repair dry 2) 2)cracked feet & heels 3) Eliminate unpleasant odors 4) Stop itchy feet 5) Safe for use by diabetics

How it works Miracle of Aloe Heel Repair Cream works to effectively repair dry, cracked, callused heels while soothing, moisturizing, softening and protecting skin. Miracle Heel Repair cream combines 3 butters (Shea, Cocoa and Mango) proven skin protectants and 60% Ultra Aloe - the purest, most potent form of whole leaf Aloe Vera gel, to effectively penetrate, repair, condition and protect severely dry, cracked and damaged heels. Cell renewal is accelerated to speed up and promote the healing of damaged skin - fast!

Your heels will look and feel great. Make your feet look & feel 10 years younger! For thousands of years, the Aloe Vera plant has been treasured for its ability to re-moisturize and revitalize dry, damaged skin.

1 bottle for $13, 2 for $24, they have other products too..

to buy: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/5365930.html?1303265033

email: shortshortgal@gmail.com

I think best to wear with socks to retain the moisture in also..



Froulette - Affordable and Chic accessories

stumbled across this site in FB..selling super cheap and nice accessories..from earrings to necklaces to bracelets etc..

some of my purchases..

Goldowl at $9.90

One can never go wrong with pearls as accessorries..so classic and never out of date..hehe..$5.90

Black ribbons earrings $4.90

This layer necklaces best go with tube or dark shade clothings..$9.90

Nude bracelet $8.90..love the fake diamonds around it..

as you can see, their accessories are not more then $15..worth to buy!!




Froulette - Affordable and Chic accessories

stumbled across this site in FB..selling super cheap and nice accessories..from earrings to necklaces to bracelets etc..

some of my purchases..

Goldowl at $9.90

One can never go wrong with pearls as accessorries..so classic and never out of date..hehe..$5.90

Black ribbons earrings $4.90

This layer necklaces best go with tube or dark shade clothings..$9.90

Nude bracelet $8.90..love the fake diamonds around it..

as you can see, their accessories are not more then $15..worth to buy!!




Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Power of Words... How will you use your words?

Powerfully moving and thought provoking! The person that shared this with me cried when she watched it. I watched it and was powerfully moved to tears as well. Our words have the power to encourage/uplift and make us feel loved. They also have the power to hurt and destroy. How will you use your words? Share this with someone else today.

Thanks so much for viewing this post... I wish you all great success!

Lisa ~ Owner of My Colorful Treasures Web Design & Development
Website: http://www.mycolorfultreasureswebdesign.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mycolorfultreasures.webdesign
Twitter: http://twitter.com/MCT_Web_Design
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/mycolorfultreasureswebdesign
Copyright© My Colorful Treasures Web Design & Development ~ All rights reserved.
All views & opinions are my own & were not influenced in any way. Read My Disclosure.
This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.